
The State of Nevada Mayflower Society depends on the generosity and support of our members and friends around the world to carry out our mission.  We invite you to help us continue reaching out to share the principles of civil and religious liberty that the Mayflower Pilgrims brought to America and to tell their story — a legacy that means so much to us and to future generations.
You may wish to make an unrestricted gift to help the General Society with our most urgent projects, or you may choose to donate to a Special Project.

An unrestricted gift to our General Fund typically provides aid to our most urgent projects. In the past, our unrestricted funds have contributed to additional Mayflower Lineage Match staff and matching grant costs for our Feasibility Study of the Mayflower Society campus. Giving an unrestricted gift and supporting our operating facilities truly provides the foundation our Society needs to uphold our mission and values.

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